Next week the Mayor and City Council will be voting to place more public toilets and sinks in parks across Toronto. Earlier this year a number of City Councillors voted against implementing more washrooms. Public washrooms are critical to provide dignity to those living outside and to everyone spending time in our city’s parks.

Sign our petition and tell Mayor Tory and your City Councillor that Toronto needs washroom facilities in all parks:

Toronto City Council needs to rapidly provide more toilets and sinks to ensure basic hygiene and human needs are being met for all residents. 

Toronto has an inadequate number of public washrooms. The pandemic has brought this issue to the forefront with a record number of people using our parks and other public spaces.

Safe access to public washrooms is needed to maintain human dignity.

This is an equity issue. Those living in encampments, those who menstruate, and those with disabilities are most deeply impacted by the lack of washrooms across Toronto.

We need to ensure parks are as accessible as possible to help people stay safe.

City Council will meet on June 8, and  this is our opportunity to push them to support a request from City Staff for more portable toilets and sinks in parks across the city and begin to fill this gap in public services.