Progress Toronto

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Stop Ford Today

In less than five hours, Conservative MPPs are meeting to discuss Ford’s plan to fast-track legislation that would slash Toronto city council in half. This legislation represents a massive abuse of power and will make it easier for Ford to ram his unpopular agenda through at City Hall.

We’re hearing rumours that Ford’s trying to pass this into law in a matter of days — without even letting it go to committee for review.

Our best shot at stopping Ford’s attack on our democracy is with a flood of public pressure from voters to vulnerable Conservatives who have the most to lose if Ford’s plan goes ahead: Toronto-area MPPs.

These MPPs know that if they’re going to be reelected, they can’t afford to lose the support of Toronto voters -- and that means that your voice has power.

If an unprecedented number of us flood vulnerable conservative MPPs with messages right now, it could force them to speak out in their meeting this afternoon, sparking an internal fight big enough to leave Ford no choice but to hit pause on running roughshod over Toronto’s democracy.

But with the meeting in less than five hours, we have to act fast. Will you send a message to Conservative MPPs in Toronto calling on them to speak out at the caucus meeting this afternoon?

Friend, we know Ford’s doing this right in the middle of our municipal elections precisely to try and meddle in Toronto’s affairs. He thinks that with a smaller council, there will be less opposition to his slash and burn agenda.

We also know he has to move quickly: if he wants to overhaul Toronto city council, he needs to ram this legislation through in weeks — otherwise it’ll be too close to when Toronto heads to the polls.

But together we can throw a wrench into his plans by putting pressure on MPPs before they head into their meeting with Ford later today.

Here’s the thing: while Ford wants it to appear like his party is one united front there are powerful Conservative MPPs who didn’t support Ford’s leadership run, who don’t agree with his radical politics, and who know that his latest decision is a wild, brazen move.

Many of them are also Toronto area-MPPs who won their seat with less than 45% of the vote— and if they are swamped with opposition from angry Toronto voters, it could rattle them enough to speak out in today’s meeting, which might prevent Ford from bulldozing ahead out of fear of sparking an in-fight.

Will you send a message to vulnerable Conservative MPPs in Toronto right now? One of us sending a message won’t make a difference, but thousands will.

Going up against a Conservative majority might seem impossible, but we’ve been here before. The Leadnow community fought hard against Stephen Harper’s federal agenda and won key battles for our democracy— sometimes with the help of Conservative MPs who spoke out against Harper’s worst decisions quietly on the inside, or by joining us from the outside.

We’ve got a a laser-focused plan to go after the most strategic Conservatives in this fight, but people-power is still the driving force. And right now we need as many people as possible pushing Toronto-area Conservatives to speak up.

Send your message to vulnerable Toronto MPPs now: